Our programs

We offer events and programs for every stage of your music career. 

Gift of Music Instrument Drive

The Gift of Music Student Instrument Drive is an annual event that benefits Columbus school children throughout the city. In our first six years we have donated more than 3,500 instruments to students.

Music Mondays

Our free Music Monday forums feature guests from major labels, international music organizations like Bandcamp and Spotify, and massive artists like Nile Rodgers and Juicy J!

Music Mondays is our first step to connect Columbus with the industry at large and give our guest speakers a taste of what our city has to offer!

Watch our previous forums and keep your eyes peeled for upcoming events this year!

Photo Credit: Mitchell Multimedia

The Unheard

Columbus has always had an abundance of young musicians and music venues. Unfortunately, there are few opportunities for these emerging young musicians to perform.

To fill this void and help young musicians to develop performance skills, we began an aftenoon all-ages showcase… The Unheard.

Columbus bands or solo artists are given the opportunity to take the stage in a professional environment and perform to an audience of their peers.

Performances are filmed and photographed, so each artist can use these valuable assets for promotional use.

Photo Credit: Mitchell Multimedia

Better Together Music Incubator

The Better Together Music Incubator was launched in 2023 to provide artists and bands who showcase potential in the Columbus music scene and guide them in their music careers.

Participants receive artistic and entrepreneurial coaching in songwriting, performance, vocals, finances, contracts, sync licensing, communications, marketing, and more. Plus they are are given a professional photoshoot and 16 hours at one of Columbus’ professional recording studios to create a complete electronic press kit.

Photo Credit: Mitchell Multimedia

Earn as You Learn

Launched in summer of 2021, our Earn As You Learn summer internship program placed students with mentors at recording studios, radio stations, retailers, app developers, and Music Columbus where they experience hands on job training.

Compensated at fifteen dollars an hour and with many offers of full-time employment, the stories of these interns have inspired other students and have instilled hope and possibility.